Happiness is a Serious Business!

Numerous reports and studies have shown that an engaged and happier workforce makes a difference to a company’s bottom line.
A recent study by Gallup revealed that “Engaged workers…have significantly higher productivity, profitability and customer ratings.”
In the war for talents, it is not sufficient to just train the employees. There needs to be a holistic and structured approach to engaging the hearts and minds of every employee.

Likewise, the founders of FirstJoy believe that a happier workforce is good for business in any business climate. Happiness is Serious Business….seriously! ☺
The Happiness Works Survey is designed by Nic Marks, who is a fellow with the New Economics Foundation (nef), a UK think-tank.

Happiness Works Survey is an online employee well-being survey. It is based on a model of well-being developed by the New Economics Foundation for the UK Government Office of Science’s “Foresight Programme”.

The survey questions have been carefully researched and the scores are benchmarked.

FirstJoy is proud to be the first and only Happiness Works Survey Practitioner in Malaysia. Our consultants are trained by Nic Marks and will work with you to implement the survey, interpret the data from the survey and work with you to translate data into actions.


Picture: Daniel Lee & Angeline Yong with Nic Marks,Director of Happiness Works

Whether your immediate concerns are….
• talent retention,
• building better teamwork and collaboration with sustainable results,
• engaging the different workgroups,
• building better synergy amongst workers of various age groups or
• just wanting to know how a particular workgroup is thinking and feeling about working in your organization, talk to the Happiness Works
team at FirstJoy today!

For more information, check out our article “Could you save £500,000 by making your workplace happier”?


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