In the course of our client engagements, we have been very fortunate and blessed to work with clients who believed in investing in their people and who partnered us and supported our ideas, initiatives and suggestion. These were the engagements which were most fulfilling and fruitful.

Highlights of some of our key achievements:-

A Global IT Organization

In a Managers’ Development Program which we undertook for a Global IT Company, the managers recorded a marked inprovement in their internal 360 degree survey in the areas of Inspiring Leadership and Listening and Sharing managers. The survey and measurement was carried out by the client’s HR Manager who measures the participants’ performance in those categories after taking part in our development program.

Inspiring Leaders Survey

We help 44% more of the managers to improve and get into the top performing range.

  • Before Program 22.2% 22.2%
  • After Program 66.7% 66.7%

Listening and Sharing Survey

We help 22.3% more of the managers improve their effectiveness.

  • Before Program 44.4% 44.4%
  • After Program 66.7% 66.7%

A Regional Manufacturing Company

We took on a Talent development project wit a regional team of IT executives based in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. The goal was to develop and equip the executives with the essential soft-skills needed for them to be aligned to organizational objectives while meeting the department’s goal of improving their level of customer service and adopting a customer focused mind-set.

The regional managers who were coached reported a marked improvement in their leadership effectiveness and relational skills. These behavioral changes were noted and highlighted by the internal customers they serve and the Regional Vice President of IT.

A Regional Shared Services Centre

Working with the Human Resources and General Manager of a shared service center, we worked on getting the buy-in of 19 Heads of Department and Team Leaders to improve the level of employee engagement and working environment.This was also part of their employee retention initiative.

One the key milestones achieved was that the team started 28 workplace initiatives or projects that involved the entire workforce with a focus to improve employee engagement and the working environment.

As a result, they have improved in terms of their Gallup Employee Engagement Survey i.e. placing them within the bracket of top 25% of most the improved centers compared with other centers around the world.

A Regional Broadcasting Company and Content Provider

As part of an project with a client, a manager worked with her team to look for ways to lower the department’s operational costs and increase the team’s efficiency. Her team successfully saved significant amount of floor space (which meant great savings on rental costs) and staff’s man hours.

The total savings from this innovation project amounted to RM200,000 per month which means a savings of RM2.4 million per year!

A Global IT Company

Following a workshop and a coaching session on a participant’s project to improve his work productivity, this participant in a Global IT company implemented his idea generated during the workshop. His effort subsequently won him a Global Silver Award from the head office based in the US. He was one of only four recipients of the company’s Global Award. This award recognizes him for successfully increasing his productivity by 68% on a project he was supporting and at the same time reduced the cost of hiring additional headcount.

A Local Financial Institution

Our sales training programme at the top performing branch offices across the nation to help improve their executive’s Selling Skills and worked with them to grow their sales within a short period. One of the key goals of the exercise was to help this financial institution to increase the total revenue over two weeks.

This project succeeded in two areas:
1. We were able to involve the non-sales staff in the branch’s sales activities which was never done before
2. Working with the Branch Manager, the team at one particular branch managed to generated RM375,000 worth of additional sales within 5 days! It was a minimum Return on Investment (ROI) of 79%!

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